Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Irish Imperial Stout

Grain Bill:

  • 6 lb Special Dark LME
  • 6 lb Amber LME
  • 8 oz Choclate Malt
  • 4 oz Carmel 120L
  • 8 oz Roasted Barley


  • 1 oz Willamette 6 AA @ 2 min
  • 3 oz Glacier 5.9 AA @ 60 min


  • Irish Ale Yeast WLP004
  • Champagne Yeast WLP715

1. Mashed in with 3 gallons of filtered at 155F for 45 min with all the grain
2. Added LME at 45 min off of burner
3. Put back on burner and brought to boil
3. Added 1oz Williamtte at 2 min into the boil
4. Added Irish moss at 45 min.
5. Added 3oz Glacier at at 60 min and threw kettle into ice bath.
6. Added 2 additional gallons of filtered cold water to bring temperature of wort down to 70F. Added WLP004 and allowed to ferment for two weeks.
7. Racking to carboy and adding WLP715 and store for two months.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Black Pepper Rye Pale Ale Two Months Later

The Black Pepper beer two months later is great. The pepper is still in the nose and in the initial taste. Following the pepper is the sweeter spice of the rye. It didn't get overpowered, it just got pushed back further in the flavor profile. I think that longer bottle conditioning time before tasting again was a good idea. The beer is much more rounded now.

I would brew this again for sure.